st_bg_1719Thanks to miss Emily who assisted me on Sally & Todd’s wedding and snapped a few shots of me snappin a few shots!!! You rock sista!

1. I like having photos of me, I don’t always like having photos of me taken!

2. I am a loser. GOTCHA, I don’t think I am a loser…but I do LOSE things all of the time! Usually things are just misplaced, often in plain sight… Sunglasses and water bottles are my most frequent losses. Oh and pens. If I buy a box of 10 pens I will lose 9 pretty much right away, but if I buy 1 pen I will usually hold onto it for a while, but very seldom do I use a pen until it runs out of ink…it is long gone before that!

3. I still get nervous before I shoot. I want the shots to be fun, new, exciting, for people to have fun at the shoot and to capture everything! Once I get started though, I just have fun!!

4. When I sit at my desk I kick off my shoes and sit on my feet. Usually I take off my earrings and accessories too. Currently there are 5 pairs of shoes under my desk, 1,2,3,4, FIVE pairs of earrings, a necklace, pair of sunglasses and a hairband.

5. I got a new chair swing for my back patio and I LOVE IT!!!

6. I feel fancy when I wear shoes that make sounds. The shoes I am wearing now dont have a high heel,  but it makes a sound…I feel fancy :)

7. I recently started hand washing some of our dishes. And to be completely honest, I have actually been enjoying it…which I find really odd. Though I LOATHE sink guck. Makes me queasy.

8. A bad habit of mine…I don’t put caps back on anything (unless it is a food item) so creams, hairstyling products, makeup, toothpaste…

9. Gosh…I am losing ground here…. Hmmm….Number 9…. oh don’t know if I have shared this before but my favorite number is 13. I don’t believe in lucky/unlucky so it has nothing to do with that, but my brother and I both were born on the 13, and I just have always liked the number, maybe because it freaks some people out that I do!!! lol

10. When I type emails I am a frequent LOL, :) and xoxo user…but if you know me in person you’ll probably know I love to laugh, smile and give hugs so really I am just being me!!! Though sometimes I do find it funny when I look at chats I have had and count how many smileys I have thrown out there… its like a sea of smiling yellow!

That’s it for this week, tune in next Tuesday for more random stuff (and tune in just about every day this week for a new blog post….its been BUSY!!!)


13th baby here, too – it also makes it a favourite number for me. Friday the 13th, lucky in my house. :-)

13 is my favourite number too! Was my soccer jersey number! I also loathe sink guck… SICK!

you can come do my dishes anytime…or, you can give me your dishwasher!!! cuz, i LOATHE dishes, and they’re never ending!!!