Have you ever been caught in a rut? I have, actually I am quite a creature of habit, so its easier for me to stay in what I know. Whether it be the food I eat, the exercise I get, or the shots I take! But if I’ve said it once I have said it a thousand times. VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE!!!

I have recently started on what I am pegging the “Journey to Healthier Habits” and have started to try new foods, new exercise and a new mindset when it comes to being a healthier person.

But this idea of getting out of a rut definitely extends to my photography as well. AND to help me out with not resorting to familiar photos I have started doing engagement sessions where we explore together. We meet up, and then travel, drive and walk around a few locations, some maybe that have some personal meaning, some that I have never been to before, some that we drive by every day and would never think to stop and take a photo. By doing this…I get into a new mindset, my eyes are open, creative juices are flowing, and oh that’s right, we have a blast!

I met Jenn & Matt at a parking lot in Dartmouth about 3 minutes after I broke my windshield but their energy and willingness to climb around some sketchy stuff to get some fun shots made me forget all about it! Plus they are just too darn cute! Thanks guys for being awesome! Can’t wait until the wedding!!!